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Rewind - Walking Dead Season 2

Rewind is a special feature in IFography where a significant event in a game is described and written out in detail. Games discussed can come from IF games to old-school retro games, and even new games which are of interest to the IF community. In this post, we talk about a game-changing event that occurs in The Walking Dead - Season 2, which is a point-and-click episodic game released on 2013-2014.


The zombies are coming. The wind turbine is overworking, thus creating a loud noise which acts as a beacon to let the walkers know our position. I tried stopping it, but it was too late. The walkers are already here.

All hope seemed lost. The group, Kenny, Nick and Walter, are all fighting to keep their lives. No matter, the zombies are still coming. Then, gunshots ring the territory. The sound of AK's being shot, with bullets being directed straight to the zombies. We are safe, at least that was what we thought.

Then, a familiar face appears. It is Carver, the baddie that my group ran away from, as he is truly merciless and willing to kill, to keep his community safe. His over-controlled community caused my group to run away from it previously. Carver's men surrounds us, pinning the group with live firearms. I managed to run away and hide in the building.

Carver directs the group into the resort premises, where he tied the group up with rope and asked for Rebecca, the woman who bore his 'child', to come to him. I asked to myself, "Is it really Alvin's child, or Carver's?" I look at Alvin. He looks helpless, being close to losing his wife and child forever. The truth will never be known whether or not the baby in Rebecca belongs to Alvin or Carver.

I run upstairs quietly to Rebecca, who asks for a plan. She is thinking whether or not to surrender herself, or someone will die. Carver takes Nick, the group's doctor, as a hostage, with the intention of killing him. I tell Rebecca that I will escape the premises and sneak around to look for Kenny, so that he can kill Carver and his men. Nick is getting hurt, bad - his middle finger is dislocated by Carver.

After exiting the building secretly, Rebecca nevertheless surrenders herself, moving to Carver. I sneak around the building and find Kenny hiding in a small shed. He plans to shoot one of Carver's men as an act of revenge. Kenny does so, shooting a bullet into one of Carver's men.

It isn't the right choice. Not at all. Carver shoots a bullet into Walter's face, and having taken a last look at a photo with his best friend, Walter dies. Rebecca is within sight of Carver, which still leaves us time to kill him. Carver quickly takes Alvin hostage, and plans to quickly escape with her.

Now is the time. Carver has to go or live. Kenny preps the gun for a second shot, and has Carver on target. I shout at him to shoot and Kenny presses the trigger. Bang.

The bullet has struck Carver in his shoulder, and he falls. Alvin thinks that he is safe. But, Carver stands and shoots his pistol at Alvin's head. Alvin falls. It's all ogre now.*

(It's a meme. Check it out here.)

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